One of the biggest challenges for ADD Moms is keeping the house in order. And one of the biggest challenges in keeping the house in order is clutter.
I’ve got 3 simple rules for keeping the clutter monster in check:
1. It is not your job, as mom, to handle all of the clutter in the house. Even 2 year olds can and should be taught to help pick up their toys and put them away. The same goes for 42 year old dads.
2. In order for everything to be put away, it must first have a home. If it doesn’t, find one or get rid of whatever it is. Make things easy to put away by using containers like boxes, bins, and baskets.
3. Make it a family habit to take 15 minutes at the end of the day to pick up and put away. This will keep things under control and make a huge difference in your life and the way your home feels.
Put these 3 simple rules to work at your house and kick the clutter monster to the curb.
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