October 2007

ADHD and Reading

by Brenda on October 31, 2007

The whole process of reading has been on my mind lately; probably because I’ve had a number of people asking questions about reading difficulty. I thought that I would put together some suggestions about improving reading ability, as well as mentioning some possible causes. When children learn to read, they go through a process that [...]


Are We Having Fun Yet?

by Brenda on October 26, 2007

I got a great chance a couple of weeks ago to listen to Dr. Ned Hallowell teach a teleclass called “Unwrapping the Gift of the AD/HD Mind” at ADD Resources. For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Hallowell is one of the foremost authorities in the country when it comes to Attention Deficit Disorder. [...]


AD/HD Sensitivity

by Brenda on October 21, 2007

Lately, my two daughters have been emotionally tag-teaming their poor old over-stressed mother. I’m sure that’s not their intent, but the effect is the same. Did someone say drama? These girls are Oscar worthy. That topic, however, is for another day. I bring it up because thinking about my daughters and their recent behavior led [...]


ADHD and School

by Brenda on October 18, 2007

I haven’t posted here in too long of a time; my life has been like a runaway train lately, with someone else at the wheel. I thought I would take a minute tonight to post something quickly, and share some of what we talked about at my teleclass last night. I’m just going to list [...]


AD/HD and Elementary School

by Brenda on October 9, 2007

Last week I did a radio interview with Christina Lemmey from Wonder Years Radio. Christina’s site is all about parenting children of elementary school age, and she covers all kinds of topics, from PTA fundraisers to transitioning to kindergarten. Christina had some questions for me about Attention Deficit Disorder in kids aged 5-11, especially as [...]


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