Attention Washington DC Parents

by Brenda on March 27, 2008

If your child attends public school, and you have had difficulties getting the school to provide proper accommodations for your child’s Attention Deficit Disorder, then Camille Tuutti-Winkler would like to talk to you.  Ms. Tuutti-Winkler is a writer currently working on an article about alternative schooling options for children with AD/HD.  The goal of the article is to educate parents about their options when the public school system fails their children.  If you feel that you can help Ms. Tuutti-Winkler at all, please send an email to me, and I will forward it on to her.  Please put DC in the subject line.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jeanette Hudson October 27, 2008 at 2:15 pm

During the Olympics, Michael Phelps mother stated that she had a site for add or adhd as she was a principle at a school in Maryland and Michael was add. Is this the site or do you know what the site is? I have an interest in finding out because of a grandson who has been diagnosed adha and would like some help.

Brenda October 27, 2008 at 8:40 pm

Sorry, no Olympic athletes in my family :) Here is the link to Michael Phelp’s mom’s site: You might also want to Google those terms - there are a lot of articles about her experiences. You might also want to check out my site:

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