by Brenda on September 30, 2008
Do I need to say anything more? You already know, don’t you? Do you have a stack of papers somewhere, a pile here and there? What’s in there that’s important? How about overdue bills? Papers and piles are some of the biggest things that people with ADD struggle with. So many of the papers we [...]
by Brenda on September 29, 2008
Recently I wrote a post about being able to focus and prioritize your projects, something none of us are good at. At the time, I suggested that one way might be to make a list and then break it down into smaller steps. While I still think that it’s a great idea, it’s not something [...]
by Brenda on September 26, 2008
Yesterday I spent the day with a friend of mine. Actually, her husband and mine are friends; we are still in the process of getting to know one another. I’ve spent time with this woman before, but usually in a group setting and for a limited time. I was concerned yesterday that I would lapse [...]
by Brenda on September 24, 2008
There has been a lot of conversation lately among my internet friends about focus, procrastination, and productivity - all things people with Attention Deficit Disorder can relate to. Well, maybe lack of focus. Anyway, the past four days I have been in a focused zone, working hard to create and introduce some new products. Today [...]
by Brenda on September 24, 2008
Jan Ferrante wrote a great guest article on procrastination and productivity today. Though it’s not specific to Attention Deficit Disorder, it’s certainly relevant. You can find it here.