by Brenda on December 31, 2008
Last night my good friend Cara from The Household Helper held a seminar about getting your home organized once and for all. As someone with Attention Deficit Disorder, I’ve always struggled with keeping my house clean and organized. Cara had a lot of great tips to share - I took pages of notes! Here are [...]
by Brenda on December 28, 2008
This time of year, people start looking ahead to the New Year and making plans for improving their lives. I think one of the biggest things on many people’s lists is getting organized. (Unless you’re my former neighbor who sharpened and organized her daughter’s crayons alphabetically.) I know that having people over during the holidays [...]
by Brenda on December 19, 2008
There have been some wonderful comments recently in response to my post Use Your Power for Good. Linda said “It’s funny how having ADD/ADHD can make me think that I am flawed when in fact it is an attribute in many ways.” And Carrie added that “Only when I learned that my ADHD was a [...]
by Brenda on December 18, 2008
Something odd has been going on with me lately, although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve probably noticed that the look of ADD Moms has changed, and if you’re a frequent visitor, you may even have witnessed the many changes that took place over the past few days - not all of them good [...]
by Brenda on December 16, 2008
You know, organization is one of the big issues with Attention Deficit Disorder. Those of us with ADHD tend to be very visual people, storing things in the open so that we won’t lose them or forget about them. Of course, what ends up happening is that you have so much stuff lying about that [...]