by Brenda on May 27, 2010
Part of the adventure of ADHD is finding ways to manage the things that you need to in a way that works for you. As you know, I’m a big fan of electronics, because they help take the place of my brain when it comes to remembering things. Here are 5 tools that I rely [...]
by Brenda on May 24, 2010
I usually try to feature creative ADD Moms on Fridays, but I got sidetracked. So today I thought I would show off one of my creative activities: my journal. I’ve been keeping a journal for the last 4 years. I don’t write in it daily, but I do manage to write several times a week. [...]
by Brenda on May 20, 2010
I know I’ve written about the dump list before, but it never hurts to have a reminder. I have been feeling especially overwhelmed lately. The house is really starting to feel neglected, especially the closets and cupboards. Add in a long weekend in Michigan and a day spent in the hospital with my daughter (who’s [...]
by Brenda on May 19, 2010
Lisa Sonora Beam is one of my favorite authors/bloggers/creative geniuses. I went out and bought her book, “The Creative Entrepreneur” the minute I heard about it. A few days ago I re-read one of her posts about creating a mini journal and it occurred to me that it was relevant for ADD Moms, too. In [...]
by Brenda on May 18, 2010
No, this post isn’t a comment on how poorly your brain functions or how dumb you are. Actually, I think you’re highly intelligent and your brain functions pretty well. The other brain I’m talking about is an electronic one. Yesterday, I told you how your brain is like a microwave. It’s capable of far more [...]