November 2010

Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 9

by Brenda on November 22, 2010

Meditation I always get the impression when I mention meditation that people sort of tune me out. I don’t know if it’s because they perceive it as some New Age sort of thing that doesn’t really work, or if they think that meditation and ADHD don’t mix. The truth, however, is that not only does [...]


Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 8

by Brenda on November 18, 2010

Herbs and Supplements The main objective of The Med Free with ADD program is to optimize the ADHD brain. That doesn’t necessarily mean eliminating ADHD symptoms; instead the goal is to give the ADHD brain a chance to work as it was intended to. People with Attention Deficit Disorder may not be honor roll students, [...]


Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 7

by Brenda on November 15, 2010

I find it ironic that I am publishing this particular post on a day when I am operating on far too little sleep. Take my word for it, it’s important! Getting a Good Night’s Sleep I’ve written about the importance of a good night’s sleep so often I think that I must be the Sleep [...]


Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 6

by Brenda on November 11, 2010

The Great Outdoors Despite my lack of athletic or gardening ability, I’ve always loved being outdoors. Then the other day I read something that made perfect sense to me. Two researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have found that spending time in natural settings, like forests or grassy parks, helps lessen symptoms for [...]


Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 5

by Brenda on November 9, 2010

Exercise Exercise. Just like drinking enough water, and eating the right foods, exercise is an important facet in a healthy lifestyle and in The Med Free with ADD program. One more thing you don’t want to hear, right? I don’t blame you. Exercise is boring, at least to me. I was an uncoordinated kid; now [...]


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