by Brenda on September 28, 2011
ADDers are really good at forgetting things. We do it all the time. I once invited 10 people over for Christmas dinner and forgot to go grocery shopping. Checklists can be a great way to help us remember what we need to do, especially when it’s things that we do often or that require a [...]
by Brenda on September 27, 2011
As ADD Moms, one of our biggest challenges and frustrations is keeping the house clean. Ideally, it’s an ongoing job, doing a little each day to keep things running smoothly. For us, what usually happens instead is that at some point we can’t stand it anymore and we do a major full house cleaning. Then [...]
by Brenda on September 21, 2011
Note: this article was written by Christine Kane. I thought it was a fitting follow up to yesterday’s post. Irony: As I started to write this article, I thought, “I’ll just go play one Sudoku game first.” I caught myself in the act and marched to my laptop. People who say that procrastination is about [...]
by Brenda on September 20, 2011
As hard as it may be to believe, many of we ADD Moms are perfectionists. Really. Just because things may not look perfect at your house doesn’t mean you aren’t a perfectionist. It means that perfectionists often put things off until they can do them “perfectly”. The “right” way. No sense doing something if you’re [...]
by Brenda on September 14, 2011
When you have Attention Deficit Disorder, you are always “gifted” with other things as well. ADHD never travels alone. Anxiety, learning disabilities, and depression are some of ADHD’s more common traveling companions. It’s important that you treat these things in a manner that’s comfortable for you. There is no shame in using medication for mental [...]