by Brenda on October 26, 2011
I have to confess. Signing up for Flylady’s emails does not equal a cleaner home. I am ashamed to say that each morning a get a digest of Flylady’s emails. Some mornings I read them; some mornings I don’t. Here’s the thing: reading her emails does not get my home any neater or cleaner. Action. [...]
by Brenda on October 20, 2011
Today I did something pretty cool. Twice. I threw some stuff away. I know. Ground breaking, right? Come on. You’re an ADD Mom. It is kind of cool. Here’s how it happened. You know how you’re always told to take it a little bit at a time? Flylady says baby steps. I always took that [...]
by Brenda on October 19, 2011
As you may know, I am a member of the BlogHer community. BlogHer is a publishing network made up of more talented women writers than I can count. BlogHer members write on a variety of topics that interest women, including organization, family, food, money matters and more. Recently I was asked to participate in BlogHer’s [...]
by Brenda on October 11, 2011
Most of us with ADHD are visual learners. We learn better through pictures and graphs than just listening. There are a lot of ways that we can use visual cues to help us remember to do things or to plan our day. Here are a few ideas: I live in a somewhat rural area. It [...]
by Brenda on October 2, 2011
I know that a lot of ADD Moms follow Flylady’s system for keeping the house (and more) under control. For those of you who may not know, Flylady helps those living in C.H.A.O.S. (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) learn to polish their sinks and fly one baby step at a time. Flylady is about keeping [...]