Jeddy’s Blend

The following is a review for Jeddy’s Blend. I am giving it of my own free will. I did not receive the product for free or for review and was not asked to review it.

I found the product through a blog I read frequently and wanted to try it for myself. I actually asked if I could share this with all of you.

This blend is one of the reasons that I am now a product consultant for doTERRA oils - because I like the products that much.

You should note that Jeddy’s Blend is a product made from doTERRA oils and is only for sale at it’s website. I do not sell it nor do I make any money from it. I am just a happy customer and wanted to share my experience.

A few weeks ago I was visiting one of my favorite blogs - Camp Wander - when I noticed that there was a post about ADHD.

The post was written by Dori, a mom with a son who has ADHD and whose sister Rebecca writes Camp Wander.

Rebecca sells doTERRA oils and writes her blog to share ways to use them. Dori, who is also very knowledgable about essential oils, put together a blend of oils she calls Jeddy’s Blend, after her son.

Dori posted the “recipe” and then offered pre-made bottles for sale. I was very interested so I purchased one to see how it would work.

Dori uses the oil on the bottom of her son’s feet. Apparently that’s a good place to apply it so it can absorb into the body. doTERRA oils are 100% pure and therapeutic grade so there is no harm in using them.

I was very excited to get my oil blend and couldn’t wait to try it. I have nothing against over the counter and prescription drugs - I use them at times - but if I can find a natural solution that works, I would rather use that.

I wanted to be sure that the information that I passed on to you was truthful and real. Sometimes we get excited about something and give it super qualities it doesn’t really possess.

I used the oil for a few days and felt as though I was calmer and more productive. Then I stopped using it for a few days and found that I really seemed to miss it. After that, I used the oil every day.

I’ve a day here and there when I’ve rushed out the door without it, and I regret it. I’ve also had a day here and there when I applied it more than once because I was having a rough day and it seemed to help.

Dori has started a blog sharing people’s stories about their experiences with Jeddy’s Blend. The stories are pretty amazing. It seems that those people with young children see the biggest results, most likely because they’re too young to filter their feelings or behavior and everything just comes out as is.

You can purchase Jeddy’s Blend on the blog. You may have to scroll down to find the link. I purchased the 1/6 oz for $28.00. Based on my pretty much daily use, I think it will last about 4 - 6 weeks.

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