June 2010

Are You Making Your To Do List Too Hard?

by Brenda on June 30, 2010

Rachel at Small Notebook wrote an excellent post yesterday titled “Are You Making Your To Do List Too Hard? Find Out Why”. Rachel talks about how she tends to see the big picture, with all of the tasks associated with it, while her husband can focus on just the task at hand. I particularly love [...]

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ADHD and Your Significant Other

by Brenda on June 27, 2010

Having a healthy, loving relationship with your significant other can be complicated by ADHD in so many ways. Communication between the two of you can result in misunderstandings (or worse) because your ADHD symptoms cause you to miss social cues, not pay attention on a consistent basis, or say the wrong thing. As women, we [...]


Social Anxiety: How to Deal

by Brenda on June 26, 2010

Social anxiety is one of those little perks that often comes along with ADHD. It’s understandable. When you consider that you have trouble paying attention to what others are saying, miss social cues, often interrupt or contribute things that don’t seem to follow the conversation, it’s no wonder that you might be uncomfortable in social [...]


Clutter and ADHD

by Brenda on June 25, 2010

One of the biggest challenges for ADD Moms is keeping the house in order. And one of the biggest challenges in keeping the house in order is clutter. I’ve got 3 simple rules for keeping the clutter monster in check: 1. It is not your job, as mom, to handle all of the clutter in [...]

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Paper Trails

by Brenda on June 24, 2010

One of the most difficult things to get a handle on is the never ending trail of paper that ends up at your house. You’ve got mail, notes from school, notes from all of the various activities your family is involved in, and papers you generate yourself every time you print something from the computer. [...]


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