October 2012

Happy Halloween!

by Brenda on October 31, 2012

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. No gifts to buy, no big meals to make. Just candy and make believe. As you read this, I am sitting in my neighbors driveway handing out candy. Well, assuming you’re reading this while it’s dark out at my house. Each year we go over the top [...]


5 Good Things About Having ADHD

by Brenda on October 30, 2012

People are always talking about the bad things about ADHD. It is, after all, both a deficit and a disorder. Or a difference in my opinion. There are some good things, though, about having Attention Deficit Disorder. Here are five: 1. You notice things others miss. Yes, it’s true. We are always being accused of [...]


Getting There on Time

by Brenda on October 29, 2012

We ADDers have all kinds of issues with time. Time is very elastic for us. It is either numbingly slow or so fast we can’t keep up, depending on the circumstances. We also have issues managing time, although a non ADD person will tell you that we all have the same 24 hours. It doesn’t [...]


Support for ADHD

by Brenda on October 28, 2012

Sometimes having ADHD is hard. Not always - sometimes I think it’s pretty cool. Still there are times when you wish you had someone who understands- who gets you. In my house, that’s everybody, but you might not be so lucky. Sometimes we find ourselves with ADHD friends. They can be a good source of [...]


How to Stop Procrastinating

by Brenda on October 27, 2012

As ADDers, we are experts at procrastinating. We can think of so many more interesting things we could be doing. And then there’s that whole distraction thing. Most often, when we are procrastinating about something it is because we find the task boring, overwhelming, or just plain scary. (Disagree with the word “scary”? Think about [...]


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