Bad for Me, Good for You

I am running a special on some of my products (see below). Please note that to buy at the SPECIAL SALE PRICE you need to click the link at the bottom of this post. The links to the product pages will give you a description of each product, but they are priced at their normal price there.

This morning, my daughter called me from Michigan to say that her car had broken down. Since we just put a hefty amount into fixing the transmission, another repair will do major damage to our budget.

So, in an effort to raise some quick cash and to benefit you at the same time, I am making two special offers, each priced at $25.00.

Offer # 1

For a limited time, I am offering the following products

at a special sales price of $25.00!!

The normal value of this offer, including bonuses, is almost $100.00, but I’m selling it to you for $25.00 until midnight, September 30, 2008.

Offer # 2

A one hour telephone conversation with me, discussing anything you’d like about Attention Deficit Disorder, including a follow up email. This is a $60.00 value for $25.00

Here is the link if you’re interested. And thanks!

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2 Responses to “Bad for Me, Good for You”

  1. Happy Says:

    When you purchase #1, will the info come through on my email account as to how to access? Just curious. I’m excited!

  2. Brenda Says:

    Glad you’re excited! It appears I’m still a dummy when it comes to technology. You should have received an email with directions and a link to download everything. I’ll send you everything now myself.

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